‘Cryin For Freedom’ Is A Powerful Song That Speaks To The Heart Of What It Means To Be Human

‘Cryin For Freedom’ is a powerful song that speaks to the heart of what it means to be human. It is a call to empathy, justice, and freedom. As we navigate these challenging times, let us remember these words and strive to make a positive impact in the world around us.

(It is not a political statement or a stance on civil rights.)

“Whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, the poor and powerless, you do to me.” These words are strikingly clear and unmistakable. Jesus identifies himself with the poor. The thirst in the throat of Jesus is a real thirst that cries to heaven as it did then on Calvary. And that cry of Jesus at the point of dying is repeated in thousands of throats that today are clamoring for justice and fair play, when they beg for bread, for respect for the color of their skin, for a minimal medical assistance, for shelter, for education, for freedom.

The desire to master a musical instrument started for all of us back in our schooldays. After all these years we understand we never really master anything fully, but you come to an understanding of what you are capable of. Our inspiration comes from each other I suppose, and everything else we experience in life. I think in our early years mostly we were inspired by other music, but today everything that life throws at you becomes an inspiration. The most important thing is to understand and accept what God has given to you, learn to listen to that, and then move forward with the heart and soul in mind.

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